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D&AD, Design, Black Pencil of the Decade

D&AD, Branding, Black Pencil
D&AD, Branding, Yellow Pencil
D&AD, Integrated, Graphite Pencil
D&AD, Direct, Graphite Pencil
D&AD, Media, Graphite Pencil
D&AD, Creativity For Good, Wood Pencil
D&AD, Copywriting, Wood Pencil
D&AD, Writing For Design, Wood Pencil
D&AD, Integrated, Wood Pencil

D&AD Impact, Sustainability, Black Pencil
D&AD Impact, Community, Wood Pencil

#1 Copywriter, ranked by Cannes Global Creativity Report 2018

Cannes Lions, Titanium, Grand Prix
Cannes Lions, Sustainability, Grand Prix
Cannes Lions, Direct, Grand Prix
Cannes Lions, Brand Experience, Gold Lion
Cannes Lions, Media, Silver Lion
Cannes Lions, Sustainability, Silver Lion
Cannes Lions, Sustainability, Bronze Lion
Cannes Lions, Health, Bronze Lion
Cannes Lions, Health, Bronze Lion
Cannes Lions, Sustainability, Shortlist
Cannes Lions, Media, Shortlist
Cannes Lions, Design, Shortlist
Cannes Lions, Titanium, Shortlist
Cannes Lions, Outdoor, Shortlist
Cannes Lions, PR,  Shortlist

One Show, Cross Platform, Silver
One Show, Cross Platform, Bronze
One Show, Direct, Merit
One Show, Design, Merit
One Show, IP & Products, Merit

Webbys, PR, Nominee
Webbys, PR, Honoree
Webbys, Integrated, Honoree
Webbys, Experiential, Honoree

Clios, Innovation, Grand Clio
Clios, Direct, Grand Clio
Clios, Brand Design, Gold
Clios, Brand Design, Gold
Clios, Integrated, Gold
Clios, PR, Silver
Clios, PR, Silver
Clios, PR, Silver
Clios, Film, Bronze
Clios, Film Craft, Silver
Clios, Film Craft, Bronze
Clios, Film Craft, Shortlist


Spikes, Integrated, Grand Prix
Spikes, PR, Grand Prix
Spikes, Direct, Grand Prix
Spikes, Design, Grand Prix
Spikes, Media, Grand Prix
Spikes, Direct, Gold
Spikes, PR, Gold
Spikes, Brand Experience, Gold
Spikes, Brand Experience, Silver

London International, Ambient, Grand Prix
London International, Design, Grand Prix
London International, Non-Traditional, Gold
London International, The New, Gold
London International, Integrated, Gold
London International, Ambient, Gold
London International, Direct, Gold
London International, Design, Gold
London International, Design, Silver
London International, Writing, Silver
London International, Design, Bronze
London International, Direct, Shortlist
London International, Film Craft, Shortlist

UN Global Goals, Champion For Humanity Award

New York Festivals, Film, Silver
New York Festivals, Outdoor, Shortlist

New York Festivals, Film Craft, Silver

New York Festivals, Film Craft, Silver

AdStars, Grand Prix, $10 000 US 
AdStars, Direct, Grand Prix
AdStars, Media, Grand Prix

AdFest, Innovation, Gold
AdFest, Promo & Experiential, Gold
AdFest, Promo & Experiential, Gold
AdFest, Outdoor, Silver
AdFest, Branded Entertainment, Bronze

AWARD, PR – Use Of Influencers, Gold
AWARD, Direct, Gold
AWARD, Creativity For Good, Gold
AWARD, Craft – Integrated, Silver
AWARD, Craft – Print, Silver
AWARD, Design – Integrated, Silver
AWARD, Market Disruption, Silver
AWARD, Creativity For Good, Silver

AWARD, Creativity For Good, Bronze
AWARD, Direct, Bronze
AWARD, Direct – Integrated, Bronze

AWARD, Direct – Integrated, Shortlist
AWARD, Film Craft, Gold
AWARD, Film Craft, Gold
AWARD, Film Craft, Gold
AWARD, Film Craft, Silver

AWARD, Film Craft, Silver

AWARD, Film Craft, Silver

AWARD, Film Craft, Shortlist
AWARD, Innovation, Bronze
AWARD, Promo & Experiential, Shortlist
AWARD, Outdoor, Shortlist

Caples, Direct, Silver
Caples, Direct, Bronze
Caples, Direct, Bronze

Effie, Most Original thinking, Silver
Effie, Best State Campaign, Silver
Effie, Financial Services, Silver

Effie, Financial Services, Silver

Effie, Telecommunications, Silver
Effie, Social Campaign, Bronze

APAC Effies, Brand, Silver

APAC Effies, Reputation, Bronze

AdNews, Game Changer
AdNews, Best Media Campaign
AdNews, Best Low Budget Campaign

ADMA, Direct, Silver
8 x ADMA Bronze
5 x APMA Gold
6 x APMA Silver
5 x APMA Bronze

B&T, TV ad of the year

B&T, TV ad of the year shortlist

B&T, TV ad of the year shortlist

B&T, Campaign of the year shortlist

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